Sunday, October 07, 2012

what now?


see..see.... my header has changed..hahaha.. that's long story.. lama dah tukar sebenarnya..
oh yaa.. imma in a final exam week.. so stress u know! i answered the exam questions mostly through KBKK method.puahahha..just main tibai-tibai..and hope it went well..cant't u imagine..2 days before paper, i memorized all the 14 chapters' theories like what T_T because the manual book that i used before really do not work out . imma just copy notes from other lecturer that i've got from i-learn.. tu pun like stealer la kan. what to do..desperate gileee wei..

so now, just got 2 papers left :) organizational behavior and finance..luckily, 1 subject tak de final tak de lah burden sgt.

and...yesterday.heheh.. my classmates and i went to Mesra Mall for berjimba-jimba with our gile sporting lecturer , Sir Irwan.. actually, we made a BBQ PARTY before final without him..sebab sir busy with other appointment, kiteorg buat lah je bbq.. tapiiiii..sir merajuk lah..tu la yg 1 class wajib berjimba dengan die semalam..we watched movie,main bowling lepas tu sambung dinner at kedai mokcik comei..dah laa buat macam kedai sendiri..kesian mokcik tuh penat layan kiteorg 26 org ni,...hahahah

sir..y u like that? hahaha

true friends

oh yeahhhh... can't wait to get back home..

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