Saturday, March 16, 2013

young entrepreneur challenge - BUSINESS PLAN


syukur alhamdulillah.. legaa..lega. lega baru habis presentation for ETR 300..
hoiii business plan ni banyak betul dugaan..
lagi-lagi kalau dapat lecturer tutorial macam aku yang exactly nak REAL!!!

tapi salah kitaorang jugak..buat kerja last minit (ahaaa..biasa lah)
bayangkan..we just prepared the whole things within 2 weeks. takda pun research jumpa mentor ke hapa
totally..pi consult dengan lecturer tuto..big thanks to Madam Sharifah Nadzrah..we <3 u :))

at first, we decided to open cleaning services..sebulan lebih tak gerak apa..and macam..bosan gile, then
try to seek something else.. pikir..punye pikir..!@#$%^&(%%$#E%&*


 end up, we invest in ICE CREAM INDUSTRY
our product is called ICE BURG, by combining ice cream and burger

see.. the burger here is not a normal is a pancake bread..
so fluffy, so soft and of course tastyyy yummayyyyh :))

in terms of flavor, there are so many varieties to choose..
green tea, tiramisu, toffee, chocolate hazelnut fererro, vanilla pistachio, coffee tak? best tak?
HAHAHA.. kalau aku bukak business ni korang nak beli tak?

orang kuat in Creative Empire Enterprise

ok.cerita pasal presentation, supposed the presentation start at 12pm
tunggu, punyalah tunggu..the panel are not around
3 jam kot tunggu
last2, aku yang call the other panel yang free masa tuh.
so glad Sir Faizal are free to do so

yang kelakarnya..student pi cari panel
tak pernah2 kes ini terjadi.haiyaaaa O..O

hikhikss.. Sir Faizal as our panel of that day said
..we did a good business plan, good presenter ..sampai dia tak tahu nak cakap ape happy..

malam tu : pergi dinner faculty dengan mata bengkak ;p

1 comment:

anna lulu^^ said...

Salam baru je ambik ent300 sem ni. Kitorang attempt nak buat bisnes burger. Tp ramai yg cakap susah kalau buat bisnes yg mlibatkan makanan. Banyak yg nak kena fikir. Pasal raw material lagi. Akak rasa ok tak kalau kitorang cuba je buat bisnes burger tu ? Or tuka yg lain.